
The main purpose of this webpage is to share a fundamentally new understanding of the phenomenon of Gravitation and various associated consequences. 

The new theories presented will have major implications for many areas of Physics and Cosmology. Visitors to this site will have the opportunity to study the new concepts and participate in a discussion via the Forum with the goal of improving their quality and comprehensibility. I plan to publish the theories in a book on Gravitation at a later date, but would like the core concepts to be questioned by an interested readership beforehand.

All presented theories are based on first principles and make no use of General Relativity Theory or its key assumptions. There are fundamental differences with the latter theory although many testable results are identical (with the notable exception of gravitational red-shift seen from outside the field – compare the second paper).

The first paper will deal with the core concept of Gravitation applied to none-relativistic masses. It will confirm for the first time analytically Newton’s famous Gravitation formula, but only for situations in which one mass is much larger than the other. The theory predicts however a deviation from Newton for masses of  more similar size which will be successfully tested at the two  binary systems Procyon and Sirius.

The second paper presents three inconsistencies in Einstein’s gravitational red-shift formula for radiation observed from long distances.  All problems can be resolved by adding a factor two to the classic result (which also changes the classic time-dilation formula for light observed outside its source field.)

Further papers dealing more generally with gravitation’s impact on light and time (e.g. the „Light Deflection Theory“) are in preparation. They will allow to revisit „gravitational length contraction“ and offer a new understanding of the mechanism behind „gravitational red-shift“. To complete the series, a paper about fast moving masses is planned, which  introduces a „new explanation for Mercury’s perihelion precession“.

Dr. Nikolaus von Seemann

Principality of Liechtenstein